Calculation of Total Credits

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Calculation of Total Credits

Post by edo »

Since Total BOINC Credit for user is calculated by adding credits for all projects, and since project credits are rounded to 2 decimal places, such addition can cause slight differences from the user's real BOINC Total Credit. If it is doable, maybe it could be more precise to generate Total Credit by adding projects credits before their rounding (as in their original value they have 6 decimal places). After all projects are added then their sum can be rounded on 2 decimal places.
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Re: Calculation of Total Credits

Post by Neil »

Hi Edo,

When the XML stats files are parsed, I round the RAC and credit totals to two decimal places (can't remember the exact reason why) and these values get stored in my databases. I would have to update my parsing code and some other stuff to use the exact values.

I don't think the rounding of the RAC and credit values introduces that much of an error. Also, the total credit and RAC values often differ between all the stats sites due to the times at which the stats files were last downloaded etc.

If there is sufficient demand for more accurate stats totals etc. then I'll consider modifying the site. What do others think?


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