RenderFarm stats problems

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RenderFarm stats problems

Post by Neil »

Hi all,

It appears that the RenderFarm team stats file is missing some details. The "nusers" field for every team is not present and has prevented my update script from being able to update the stats.

I have put a work around in my update script which basically defaults the number of members in a team to zero if the "nusers" field is not present.

This of course, is not ideal and I would imagine that other stats sites are affected. If anyone has ties with the project, please feel free to point them at this thread.


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Post by clarkf1 »

Have left a message on the messageboards
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Post by povaddict »

The only difference between Renderfarm@Home and other projects is that I upgrade the server software very often. David Anderson recently removed nusers.
David 15 Jan 2007
- db_dump: don't write team.nusers; it's meaningless

So you'll start having the same issue on other projects when they upgrade.

If I understand correctly what team.nusers is, then just counting the number of users (from user.gz) with <teamid>X</teamid>, will give you that same number.
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Post by Neil »


That is a bit of a pain. After downloading all the users, I'll now have to go through all the records to count up the number of members in each team which adds yet another processing overhead.

It would have been nice for the BOINC guys to consult the stats sites first.


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Post by povaddict »

Neil wrote:It would have been nice for the BOINC guys to consult the stats sites first.
Send your complaints, you're in time to make them go back (since maybe I'm the only one who upgraded since that change).
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Post by Neil »

Is there a developer's e-mail list that I could contact or a forum post to reply to?

I have just modified my update script to handle the forth coming changes.


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Post by povaddict »

Neil wrote:Is there a developer's e-mail list that I could contact or a forum post to reply to?

I have just modified my update script to handle the forth coming changes.
boinc_dev, or maybe boinc_stats (although I have never checked the latter).

And speaking about "BOINC guys not consulting stats sites first", I can guess your opinion about CPDN mess.
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Post by Neil »


Thanks for the info - I have subscribed to the BOINC stats mailing list. I see in their archives that the nusers field stuff was mentioned.

I also see that Zain Upton has posted in December about increasing processing overheads for the stats. He collects a lot more data than me (world rank, host info etc.), but we're both in the same boat.

Anyhow, hopefully I'll be able to react to future modifications to the XML files a bit faster!


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